A review by lareinebee
Some of My Best Friends Are Black: The Strange Story of Integration in America by Tanner Colby


I learned SO MUCH from this book, which offers stories and case studies in the history of integration, specifically in schools, housing, employment, and church — focusing on Alabama and Louisiana as places that exemplify and illuminate trends and events all over the country.

Though dry at times, and definitely containing some outdated race-related terms, overall it’s very engaging and enlightening to learn more loved detail about the various black experiences throughout and how all of the pieces got us where we are now, good and bad.

This book should be part of high school history courses — we all know a small section on emancipation, segregation, and Jim Crow one month out of the year is criminal. There is so much more to the process of desegregation, which can only be understood by listening to real stories about every day people from all sides.