A review by bookwormbunny
Fractured by Erin Hayes


Bound by Blood by Erin Hayes is a dark and twisted horror story of where twin girls lead very different lives almost from the beginning. In Bound by Blood we are introduced to twin sisters – Bathsheba and Lily. Bathsheba is the favored child. She’s well liked, she’s doted on and she is the one who has friends. Lily is the quiet and withdrawn one, but there is something more to her, something dark. Bathsheba can sense that something is wrong with Lily, but yet it seems she keeps her distance. Lily is plagued by a voice that is always trying to provoke her. One day she unleashes some of that resentment and her sister has a terrible accident that strangely leaves her blind. As the years go by the girls’ lives take very different paths. Bathsheba, despite her disability makes something of her life and flourishes. Lily, on the other hand, seems to be and stay on a downward spiral. A trip has been planned by Bathsheba and her boyfriend to get together with their friends one last time before he ships out. Lily has been invited and while on this trip the true horror strikes. The evil has made itself known, and it demands to be satisfied. Many will suffer, but can Bathsheba and those she cares about make it out alive?
Bound by Blood is a twisted horror story that keeps you crawling deeper into the twisted darkness of this story. In a way Bound by Blood is a twist on the classic – “good child” who is perfect, well beloved by her family and successful, while there is the “problem child” who struggles just to make it and get by. I couldn’t help but feel sympathy and empathy for Lily. You constantly feel that she is the one who is left out and ignored. Plus, when you read that the father favors the older twin it prickles at you. The first half of the story focuses on Lily and Bathsheba and how they are so different in their lives. Bathsheba is happy with her boyfriend, living a good life with surprises in the plans. Lily is having one night stands, doing drugs and not being able to hold down a steady job. You get the sense of a lot of resentment from Lily towards her sister. Some of it doesn’t make sense but the author does a great job answering the questions that crop up behind this.
There really isn’t anything that I didn’t like about this book. I am an avid lover of horror novels and this book checks a lot of boxes for me. There is suspense, drama, some gore, some violence and intense scenes. There is even some heart break in this story in more ways than one. The author writes in quite a few surprises that you don’t see coming. I enjoy how the author ties it all together and blends together an intense story that is perfect for those who love a good thrilling horror story. I like a good story that has an ending that I don’t really expect to happen and this book gives me that.
I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars. This story flows so well and captivates the reader from start to finish. Putting this book down is not an easy task as the question of what happens next plagues you. The need to know how it ends is too strong. Bound by Blood is definitely a book for fans of Erin Hayes and those who love a deliciously good horror story.