A review by shonaningyo
I Am America by Richard Dahm, Frank Lesser, Rob Dubbin, Glenn Eichler, Laura Krafft, Eric Drydale, Peter Gwinn, Paul Dinello, Stephen Colbert, Peter Grosz, Jay Katsir, Michael Brumm, Tom Purcell, Allison Silverman


4.5/5 Stars.

As this is being written, I have just indoctrinated myself into the fabulous and hilarious tongue-in-cheek world of Stephen Colbert. I never really gave much thought to him and his mentor Jon Stewart's separate shows on Comedy Central. I never liked politics, so I couldn't really get how you could make it funny.

But I bust a gut laughing watching May 2, 2012's episode. Both Jon Stewart's and Stephen Colbert's. And I was smitten. Hit by the Laugh-Dart-of-Infatuation. I needed more.

So I decided to pick up this book. And it granted my wish.

Hilarious tongue-in-cheek portrayel of a no-nonesense, strictly white collar (or is it blue collar?) higher-middle to upper class conservative Republican that takes stereotypes of the aforementioned group of people in America and blows it up to make it seem like he is the mascot or spokesperson of these sorts of people.

His stuff made me stop many times and pull myself together, because I was in a classroom and I shouldn't be laughing this hard over some witty or simply absurdist-goofy quip he printed in this book. He's so self-aware in this book, that you can tell by the footnotes and margin notes (FOOTNOTES FTW!!)


Me reading this book

So if you're looking for some very hilarious political humor and those who make fun of extreme patriotism by acting out the role of a Bible-thumping upper class Republican, then pick up this book. Do it.