A review by ellerosy
The Complete Novels of Jane Austen, by Jane Austen

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Pride and Prejudice (Aug 2021)

“That would be the greatest misfortune of all! To find a man agreeable whom one is determined to hate! Do not wish me such an evil.”

Who even am I? I’ve read a classic and I absolutely adored it. I knew nothing about this novel before I started, obviously I’d heard of Mr Darcy but honestly that was it! I’ve walked passed the Jane Austen museum so many times when I visit Bath and it was beyond time I picked up a copy of her work, this edition being completely gorgeous may have helped a little bit!

I’m pretty basic so Pride and Prejudice seemed the best place to start. It took me a while to get into it but I loved Lizzy and Mr Darcy. I was practically squealing with happiness at the OG enemies to lovers.