A review by heresthepencil
Boy Parts, by Eliza Clark


rep: bi mc, bi character, lesbian side characters, Middle Easter character, trans character
tw: drug abuse, eating disorder, alcohol abuse, vomiting, rape, sexual abuse, blood, gore,
, racism, paedophilia, internalised homophobia

good for her!

the queen of unreliable narrators! richard pipen wishes he could be her. can she even tell you what actually happened, if she’s not sure herself?

it’s marvellous, the way she presents herself to the reader, the words she chooses to describe her friends, and then she drops us texts she sends & those can be the complete opposite. it’s a carefully curated image, she smiles the way she thinks people want to see, says the things she thinks people want to hear, but she rarely manages to pull it off till the end. she gets exasperated too fast. she wants to be nonchalant but she really isn’t.

the whole story unravels as we near the ending. the world she creates for herself and presents to us, starts to fall into pieces & she falls with it. an unhinged woman, if there ever was one.