A review by redhairedashreads
A Rolling Scone by Nancy Warren


Series: Great Witches Baking Show #3
Rating: 3 stars - I liked it

Poppy returns for week three of the Great British Baking Contest and finds herself struggling to concentrate on her baking. But she does discover more of her history at Broomewode hall, meet new friends, and says goodbye to others.

This was another fun and easy to read paranormal mystery. Poppy struggles in this one with the baking contest but she makes strides in finding out her history. I enjoyed watching her struggle this week with the contest because if you have ever watched the GBBO you know that everyone has a bad week eventually, so it made sense that it was Poppy's turn.

The mystery part of this book wasn’t very difficult and happened mostly towards the end of the story. It was a bit sad how the murder happened though. My only big issue with this series so far is that this is book three and Poppy has barely learned anything about witches or how to do magic. I did enjoy the continuation of Poppy’s story but I do hope we see more magic and a little bit more mystery in the next book.

You can also find my reviews at Red-Haired Ash Reads.