A review by lazygal
Through the Skylight by Ian Baucom


A relatively strong version of the modern children go on an adventure genre: here, three siblings in modern day Venice find a mysterious shop and the shopkeeper gives them the opportunity to take a turn at his sack of oddities. They pull out two rings and a die, all somehow magic and somehow integrated in a book about the One Thousand and One Nights. Thanks to these 'trinkets' and the book, Jared, Shireen and Miranda are drawn into an adventure that includes three children enchanted during the Middle Ages, St. George's dragon, a faun, talking cats and the stone lions of Venice coming to life.

While those may sound relatively quotidian to followers of this genre, they're brought together in a way that will engage readers. To my mind, it was better than The Thief Lord, which was supposed to be this sort of magical adventure!

ARC provided by publisher.