A review by girlwiththepinkskimask
Invisible Girl, by Lisa Jewell


My b but I ruined the buddy read with Karly and SabiReads by binging the entire book in one night LOL.


At the center of this complex web is the Fours family: Cate (Mom), Roan (Dad), Jack (Son), Georgia (Daughter). Then we have the creepy neighbour across the street, Owen Prick, who gets lost in the incel sauce for a hot minute. Next we have Saffyre (or Saffron as she's known in our group chat) who was a patient of Roan and now just stalks him on the reg. When Saffyre goes missing, everyone's stories collide.


This is my first Lisa Jewell novel I've read to completion. I tried [b:The Family Remains|58855185|The Family Remains (The Family Upstairs, #2)|Lisa Jewell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1636568994l/58855185._SY75_.jpg|90282275] but I didn't read book #1 (big dummy energy) so I got mad confused and gave up. I will circle back though.

I have to say I like the writing. It is unique and flowing. Even those super long ass run on sentence (paragraphs more like). It's something different than the formulaic crappola being pumped out en masse. I was a little concerned by that dear diary ass opening, but she found her way with the prose. Unfortunately, she couldn't locate what she wanted this book to be.

The first third of the book was rolling. A lot unfolds in those early chapters. You're like okkkurrr we've got some movement. Then Owen dips his toe in the incel pond and SKKKRRRTTTT suddenly this book switches from plot-driven to character-driven.

The next 60% of the book or so focuses on the inner thoughts of all the characters, from Owen's am I too good to be an incel, to Saffyre justifying her stalking, and to Jackā€”the creepily adored son who isn't everything his mom chocks him up to be. I don't mind a character-driven novel, but the characterizations were all over the place. Except for Roan. I wanted to whoop his ass from beginning to end.

The book tried to tackle many hot button issues; the entitlement of incels, SA, gaslighting, etc. This could've been strong but each thread was hastily taped together, resulting in a forced and frankly unbelievable ending. I'm giving this three stars because I think it had lots of potential and the writing style stood out to me in a positive way.


I didn't like who the bad guy was. It's too convenient. Saffrye just chillin at Roan's mistresses house was laughable. She literally had the police scrambling and damn near had Owen locked up on some nonsense just because what... she wanted to sit back and see how it all played out? The epitome of selfishness. Oh and during her epilogue when she's like "I got over my claustrophobia" LOL what ??? Just like that?? Must be nice.

Why did Owen get such a happy ending? He made inappropriate comments at students and groped them, but all he had to do was write an apology note and take some boo boo ass one week course to get his job back? What school would hire a guy who was accused of sexual misconduct not only within the school but arrested on kidnapping/murder/rape/everything else charges!??? PLUS he gets the girl at the end? PLZ. I feel bad Owen was locked up for something he didn't do; but he did creep on his students (more than once, too) so he shouldn't be allowed back in the classroom.

The "maybe Roan is a rapist" cliffhanger was... le sigh.


Pros: unique writing, short chapters, well-paced, good insights into the psychology of incels

Cons: book was severely disjointed: part thriller, part YA, part character driven, ending was straight up ass