A review by loram
Russian Hill by Ty Hutchinson


Set in San Francisco, this is one of a series of stories about Abby Kane, a petite Chinese-American FBI agent who can look natural in Chinatown. In many ways it's like other crime dramas with a killer on the loose and the FBI following, but it is well written and shows an intimate knowledge of the culture and location that makes the story ring true.

Like most stories, it is the main character who makes the reader want to know what happens. She is easily likeable and watching how she handles the case and encounters with other law enforcement personnel keeps interest. While I'm not a big reader of crime drama, I enjoyed watching her work out subtle clues about the killer and how she tried to get inside their head.

There was one plot point that didn't make a lot of sense, but I don't want to give spoilers. Just an opportunity for a witness to provide vital information when he had nothing to lose and no reason to withhold it anymore.

Overall the story kept me interested and if I was more into reading crime drama, I would probably read more of this series. I may read at least one more as the setting in San Francisco is what attracted me in the first place.

The only niggle is that a few loose ends were left to entice the reader to buy two more books in the sequential series. I'm not going to bite as I feel I've gone as far as I want to with this storyline and as I said, crime drama isn't among my preferred genres. However, the writing is excellent and I have a soft spot for San Francisco, so I may well read one of the author's other books.