A review by _christinacreads
Please Return to the Lands of Luxury by Jon Tilton


Please Return to the Lands of Luxury by Jon Tilton is a heartwarming action-packed unapologetically Middle Grade adventure novel that tells a story of family, friendship, courage, and finding your place in the world.

This book was incredibly well written, absolutely perfect for its age group. The prose was inspiring, the descriptions lush, and the story itself was really solid. The characters were all unique with their distinct personality traits as well. Viewing a dystopian world through the eyes of a child was quite interesting to me as I haven’t really read anything like this but worked out really well. There were also a lot of beautiful lessons that would speak to a child and a lot of topics discussed would be an amazing point of discussion for a curious middle grader.

The adult in me felt a little put off when an old man approached one of the children and told them to accompany them (with all good intentions, but in real life how often is this true)– and our character not having a single Stranger Danger Bone in her body. It might be worth highlighting for parents of younger audiences.

Talon David as a narrator was an incredible surprise. She was an engaging and interesting storyteller. I enjoyed her a lot and I do think that even children who are interested in reading through audio would very much enjoy her as well.

Thank you to Netgalley and Blueberry Finch for gifting me an AudioARC in exchange for an honest review.