A review by cedewatson
Breaking by Barbara Elsborg


This was my first book by this author, but I promise it will not be my last. This book is detrimental to your health. Conrad and Archer are the not-so-perfect couple, two highly controlling Alpha males, one a stone cold killer and the other a stone cold defense barrister/lawyer. Their wit and banter was so amusing, I found myself highlighting a lot of their smartass comments to each other.
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“What happened to you?” Archer asked. “A shift into hyper-drive took me by surprise.”{Conrad} “Your flux capacitor need adjusting?”{Archer}

“I’ll be too tired to fuck,” Conrad snapped. “All you have to do is stick your arse in the air.” {Archer} “In your dreams.”{Conrad}
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“How are you feeling?” Archer asked. “Like some sadistic fucker has made me walk up and down a beach. Twice.”{Conrad}
“Damn that dog.”{Archer}

“All the better for fucking you. Why don’t you bend over, put your hands on the table and think of England.” {Conrad}
The very first sex scene is like something out of a Chuck Norris movie, head banging, arms in strong holds and evil~ious SEX.
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This is a mind twisting, sit of your pants story, with more twist and turns in it than a roller coaster. The biggest WTH? Comes about 65%, this will have you shaking your head and wondering how could that have happened. I went into this book not knowing what to expect, but I was never expecting the two characters that Ms. Elsborg gave me, they were perfect, the storyline was phenomenal enjoyed each and every page. Looking forward to reading the first book in this series and a few others by this author.

**ARC courtesy of Samhain Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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