A review by ljwrites85
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor, by Adam Kay


So yes it feels like I’m the last person to read This Is Going To Hurt but I saw it in the library and I thought better late than never!

This was a brilliant book, funny, sarcastic but with some touching and emotional moments too.

I don’t think I’m ever going to complain about a rude doctor ever again after reading what these junior doctors go through!

Adam Kay worked as a gynaecologist, delivering babies on the front line of the NHS and boy did he have some horror stories! I always thought when I was having my son that I had the hardest birth ever, after reading this book it turns out that I had a super easy time and I don’t know what I was complaining about!

There was a minor issue but in the version I had it was full of Americanised spellings and few typos which I have to be honest was a little annoying.

I would highly recommend This Is Going To Hurt and I’m very much looking forward to reading Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas.