A review by neverlandsreads
The Carnelian Crow by Colleen Gleason


4.5 Stars

I love this series and these books are some of my favorites but I'm sad that they have gotten much shorter over the years. I do feel like this book was well paced and not rushed so that is a plus side. Mina and Evaline are back on their grind after the disastrous events of The Chess Queen Enigma. This time they investigate the mysterious Carnelian Crow when an actual crow delivers a pendant to Mina in the middle of the night. And on top of that some other characters have gone missing and must be found (including the infamous Pix). The adventures of these two girls are as daring and dangerous as ever.

The plot was good and exciting but there wasn't really too much surprises. All the reveals were pretty obvious to me. I enjoy the journey to the reveals though so I didn't really mind. There is only one book left and I cannot wait to see how it all wraps up.

There were not really any new important characters in the book so I will discuss my feelings on the main cast. I love Mina as always. She is by far my favorite character and the more enjoyable point of view to read. Evaline I still have problems with. She is still too impulsive and she constantly is annoyed at Mina for no reason. Mina is your friend and you know what she is like so why are you always bashing her? Kind of ridiculous in my opinion. I still don't like Inspector Grayling. I think he is rude and judgmental and a little misogynist in my opinion. I understand this takes place in 19th century London and expectations of women were different at the time but Mina has constantly voiced her opinion on the matter to him but he will still feel the need to tell her "this is no place for a young lady of your stature." That is not your decision to make sir. He is good in certain situations but bad in others and I don't like that his misogyny mostly comes from the fact that he has feelings for her and wants to "protect" her. She doesn't need it. Pix was not in this book that much since he was missing so I can't really say much but I still like him. He was just kind of wimpy in this one.

All in all this was a satisfactory story and I cannot wait to see how it all ends in the final book.