A review by cadiva
The Agent and the Model by RJ Scott


Six years after the events in Avery and Travis' story we go back to Ellery Mountain as Mikey, now a top model, goes home after a distressing incident in Paris.

His almost lover and agent Alex follows him, desperately trying to put right a horrendous mistake which stalled their relationship just as things were getting serious (don't worry it's not cheating)

The tone of this one was different, it's not quite a wrapping up of everyone's stories but there is an element to that too.

What was great to see was two men who actually knew they needed to talk to people about their issues and, eventually, to each other too.

The resolution, when it came, was truly sweet. It would be nice if RJ went back to Ellery for one final catch up otherwise I'll just happily imagine all seven of our couples happily living their lives in the cabins around the Smokey's.