A review by lolasreviews
Blood Bound by Rachel Vincent


This is a really good story. Rachel Vincent describes a dark and complicated world in this book, where people can be bound to others, obligated to follow every order, blood and names are power and some people have Skills like tracking, shadowwalking, seeing the future etc.
I really loved the world and the characters. Liv has a difficult live and made dificult choices but she keeps on fighting. Whenn a friend shows up and asks for her help, Liv has no choice but to accept and there this whole story starts. But there is so much more to this story. Liv meets Cam again, her ex, and there is so much background. The whole story is build on a background you only get to know gradually. The story is really intriguing and I kept wanting to read further. You really notice there is much thought behind this story.
I find it really difficult to describe this book, without giving too much away, but I found it a really good read. Rachel Vincent is one of my favourite authors and I really love this book.
There are only two minpoints, one is that because of all the background and events I think this book is still too short. There is still so much story about Liv and Cam to be told. And the next books will not be told from their perspective. The other minpoint is the ending, it was strange, not a nice wrap-verything-up ending, but more a strange kind of cliffhanger. I just want to know more about Liv and Cam.
So this is a really good book, and a really good story, with so much tought behind it. I really love it but found the book too short and want to know more about the characters. I am really looking forward to the next book in this series.