A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Intermediate Thermodynamics: A Romantic Comedy by Susannah Nix


**4.5 Stars**

Lighthearted and smart, Intermediate Thermodynamics was a fresh and fun take on a rom-com. With Nix's unique characters, both immensely smart and well-tasked in their respective careers, their banter and intelligence played off of one other in a funny and charming way, making it easy to laugh and quickly turn the pages for more. Along with the humor was the slow, but beautiful progression from a love-hate dynamic to more, and the ease with which it was to transition from one to the other without either character noticing.

Nix penned a wonderful, well-rounded female character in Esther. Her practicality and fierce independence were strong personality traits, and yet even when she was blinded by hate flipping into love, she maintained her head while not ignoring heart even if it took everything within her to do so (and many internal swift kicks). I loved the sweetness of Jonathan, both his charm and pull, and how they were so very different from one another, but found so much of a sense of home in each other.

Filled with heart and humor, Intermediate Thermodynamics was a well-rounded story with compelling characters and a beautiful love story. As a new reader to Nix, I enjoyed getting to know her writing style and seeing her spin on romance. Well-written and unbelievably enjoyable, this is a book not to miss.

**Received an early copy; this had no bearing on my opinion**