A review by theamyleblanc
The Undateable by Sarah Title


I received a copy of this story from Amazon and the publisher, Zebra Shout, in exchange for an honest review.

It had all the makings of a good book for me: libraries, a female lead who doesn't bow to societal norms, and an everyday, real life feel to it.

Unfortunately it didn't deliver. Or at least not well.

Bernie was so promising but as the story continued, she started to sound a bit too one-track for me. It's one thing to have principles and stick to them; it's another thing entirely to purposely take offense at every little sentence. It got old fast and I stopped looking forward to those moments.

Colin was a little better because he had a more obvious arc. You could see him growing and learning and changing throughout the story. I liked reading him more than I did anyone else. Though I didn't like Maria as much. Her tone was not consistent enough for me. Sometimes she sounded like a sassy old lady but other times she sounded like a bitter man pretending to be a lady.

My biggest issue with the story was the voice it was told in. I'm particular about point of view and don't always love first person but I think this could've benefited tremendously from that viewpoint. Much like the readers of Colin's articles were drawn in and could see themselves in Bernie, we the readers probably would've been more invested in a first person narrative. And it would have helped with those random PoV shifts where in one paragraph we were with Colin and the next we were with Bernie. It was annoying to keep track.

It wasn't terrible enough for me to put it down and walk away but I was certainly happy when I finished it.....because it was over.