A review by jdemaere
The RSVP by Lauren Blakely


Harlow is the daughter of Bridgers business partner. She’s smart, driven, and knows what she wants.. and she knows what she wants, and he might be surprised.. she decides to go for it, and to do what she has to do to gain what she wants. There are things that happen that make her feel guilty and that make her wonder… when she realizes what he would have to risk to have what she wanted.

Bridger knows what an amazing person Harlow is, and the more he gets to know her, he realizes what she is worth.. but also knows what he would be sacrificing…and what she would be sacrificing.

Two people who seem very different, but who have the same soul so it seems. However, to be together could mean giving up everything he’s worked for all of his life, and for her she could lose her family. Can two people who love each other regardless of the hurdles they face? Does the love that they find over-rule all of the obstacles they face? That’s the best part of this whole story…

I hope that you’re ready for this, because, once you start it, you won’t want to stop until you’re done.. and even then, you’ll want more.

I am a true Lauren Blakely fan, and will read every word that is written by this amazing author. I am blessed to be a part of her fan base. I have read her work for many years, and each one I read, I like more and more. Her storylines are detailed and deep, and her writing style.. draws me into each story and makes me a part of every story line. I love reading about these characters, and I love how the characters over-lap each other.