A review by sonja_ahrb
Seven Minutes in Heaven by Eloisa James


Seven Minutes in Heaven is the first book by Ms. James that I have read and all I have to say now is that I can't believe it took me so long to pick up one of her books! I have no good excuse for why it took me so long, but you can believe that I'll be making time for the stories that are already out and the ones to come in the future. Seven Minutes in Heaven was positively extraordinary and I wholeheartedly loved it!

Eugenia is everything that I love my heroines to be. She's smart and passionate, classy but sassy, and she's kind and warm. Eugenia is strong, she's independent, she knows who she is and she won't let anybody try to change her. She's a true lady and can be prim and proper when she needs to be, but she knows how to be and have fun too. Eugenia is an amazing woman and there wasn't anything that I didn't love about her!

And while there might be a few times when I wanted to shake or smack Ward, you can't help but love him either. He takes in his siblings, cares so much about them, and only wants the best for them. He's honorable and giving, thoughtful and compassionate, and protective and kind. Ward is charming and fun with Eugenia, he's possessive and it's not hard to see that he loves her, even if does bungle things up a little. Ward is wonderful and he stole my heart from the very beginning and I couldn't fall for him more than I already have!

Despite never having read Ms. James before, I knew that Seven Minutes in Heaven was going to be good, but I had no idea how good! Historical romance is one of my favorite genres, but it's also one of the hardest genres to write, well, in my opinion it is, anyway. It's not always easy to connect to characters that exist in a very different time period with very different rules than the ones we live with today and it's sometimes hard to feel the full effect of the book. There was no such problem with this one though! It was easy to connect and get caught up in Ward and Eugenia's world and everything that comes along with it. It was seamlessly written, flowed beautifully, and burned brightly. It was entertaining, funny, heartwarming, a little heartbreaking, and so full of passion, love, and life. Seven Minutes in Heaven was truly a work of art and I can't tell you how much I loved and enjoyed it!

Seven Minutes in Heaven can be read as a standalone, it's told from mostly Ward and Eugenia's POV, and they do get a happy ending that will leave a smile on your face!

~ Sonja, 5 Stars