A review by luellen1990
Hidden in Darkness by Alice Winters


Title - Hidden In Darkness
Author - Alice Winters
Genre - MM Romance
Published - Feb 2018
Pages - 321 Pages

What I Thought About The Book - WOW, This book is absolute GOLD! Lane and Felix are fantastic. I absolutely love Felix, he really is the perfect person for Lane he doesn't treat him any differently because he's blind which is all Lane really wants. I love how he teases him. The story is interesting, fast-paced, well written and keeps you hooked right from the beginning. Alice Winters is an amazing author, her books, characters and plots are absolutely brilliant. I don't have a bad word to say about this book or series.

Would I Recommend - Yes

Would I Read Again/Continue The Series - Yes/Yes

Rating - 5*

Reviewed by LucyLui