A review by cft8
No Time to Wave Goodbye by Jacquelyn Mitchard


I won this book as a FirstReads giveaway. When I saw it on the list, I knew I had to enter! Even after 10 years or so, The Deep End of the Ocean sticks out as a book I loved. But, I always wondered what happened to the Cappadoras. In No Time to Wave Goodbye, we get to find out.

Vince has grown up to be a filmmaker, and his first big film is a documentary about 5 families that are going through what his family has - a child has been kidnapped, but these families are still waiting for their loved ones to come home. The film is critically acclaimed, and just as the Cappadoras are celebrating Vince's (and Ben/Sam's and Kerry's - since they helped with the film) triumph, tragedy strikes the family again. Their bonds, still fragile even after 22 years, are strained to the breaking point. Ultimately, they must join together to survive a dangerous race for time in the California mountains.

This is a quick read, because you just can't put it down!