A review by nairam1173
Captives by Jill Williamson

Between a 3 and 4 on this one.

Started out a bit slow for me, but it had interesting concepts and characters that pulled me through it. A bit confused on what I guess is some of the worldbuilding? Mainly, why in a society where creating healthy babies is so important, the healthy people where let to live on such a long leash that would allowed them to become infected. It just seemed a bit odd to me. Similarly, why any number of Xs would actually get a healthy person killed.

The Christian element wavered between well-placed in the story to feeling a little obvious or added in. This was not a huge complaint of mine. I liked the fact that the towns outside the city had varying religions.

There's some obvious but mostly tasteful sexual references which makes me a bit unsure of the age category intended. It makes me guess later teens, while when I originally started the book I assumed teens in general.

I've purchased the next book because I'm interested in where the story is going. Withholding some of my other confusion on worldbuilding (like almost anything to do with Wyoming), since this is an obvious series. I did like this book better than Replication, and Mason is great.