A review by llamadragon
Black Flowers by Steve Mosby


Black Flowers is the first of Steve Mosby’s books that I’ve read so I wasn’t sure what to expect but I certainly wasn’t let down. I did find the first 50 pages of the book to be slow and I did feel a little lost as it introduced the various characters and some elements that would play a role in the story later on. I found throughout the book that some of the changes between character points of view was a little jarring as it didn’t specify who’s view you were getting at the start of a chapter and it sometimes took a few paragraphs before it became clear. The book was split into parts and it wasn’t until the end of part one when the plot really seemed to pick up and that my interest was piqued. The story itself was quite different from what I’ve read before and kept me guessing as to what was true and how it was going to end which is what I want from these kinds of books. As it got into the last 100 pages the pace and the tension definitely picked up. Overall this was a very satisfying read though I would say it was not as scary or thrilling as the reviews on the book cover suggested.