A review by getbookedwithjessica
Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier


3.5 stars

This is the story of Paris who is found one morning with a bloody knife in her hand next to her famous dead husband! What an opening scene! I was immediately drawn into the story as I tried to figure out whether Paris might be guilty or not.

Jennifer Hillier’s book Secret Lies was my favorite thriller last year so I automatically want to read all her books but this one, it wasn’t my favorite. It’s quite possible the next one was always going to struggle a little bit since my expectations were sky high. ‘The Things We Do In The Dark‘ left me somewhat conflicted. I very much enjoyed it but I expected more.

Still good, yet lacking that certain something that makes it awesome. That said, still a fan and I’ll definitely be at the front of the line when Jennifer Hillier drops her next book.