A review by maplessence
Green Grass of Wyoming by Mary O'Hara


It took me a few chapters to get into this book, & this is in part because I haven't read the first two books in the series, [b:My Friend Flicka|164542|My Friend Flicka (Flicka, #1)|Mary O'Hara|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1429495342l/164542._SY75_.jpg|3022662] & [b:Thunderhead|665863|Thunderhead (Flicka, #2)|Mary O'Hara|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1332405001l/665863._SX50_.jpg|651917]. This book does work as a standalone, but it just takes time to get into the characters' heads.

This book is everything I want in a mid twentieth century read. The sympathetic characters are likeable (in some cases lovable) but have real flaws. The villainess - well, she is horrible & I do know someone just like her who can turn on the charm & appear to listen sympathetically, but will later use information gained against you!

...Mrs Palmer, not knowing how to register her displeasure, adopted the attitude of piteousness and tremulous bravery which she knew from long practice was the hardest on her granddaughter.

The McLaughlin family have sincere values that they live by & instil in their children.

If you have a difficult decision to make, never force it, Rob had told his boys. Weigh each alternative singly, without prejudice. If they seem to balance evenly, no advatage one way or the other, do not be deceived. There is an advantage one way or the other. If you wait long enough, it will become apparent to you and suddenly the decision will be made without difficulty, and it will be right.

The animal behaviour for modern eyes can be terrifying & shocking. I often wonder about the Disneyfication of the animal kingdom.

To put it mildly, the gigantic and ferocious stallion Thunderhead doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to the above creations.

Our world (especially in 2020) is a truly terrible place - why do we shy away from what animals are actually like, when humans are creating such an awful place? [b:The Incredible Journey|231821|The Incredible Journey|Sheila Burnford|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388607402l/231821._SY75_.jpg|1757548] is another honest look at how animals behaved - & I certainly coped with that when I first read it at around ten years of age.
