A review by moochan
Into the Storm by Melanie Moreland


The plot went too quickly. It was like the second day and they were already kissing. The first half of the story is told from Joshua’s point of view, which makes having her POV at the beginning pretty pointless.

The plot that they’re stuck together in a snowstorm is nice. I wish they did more than eat, sleep, bathe, shovel, and mate. Like...it’s getting really repetitive and boring to read. The arguments are always the same. Joshua thinks he has nothing to offer her and doesn’t want to take advantage. Thus he says something rude to change the subject or get her to go away. Rabbit does continuously nice things for someone who doesn’t deserve it.

The characters have no development. Joshua gets mad about something and lashes out at Rabbit, then apologizes. The cycle continues. So Rabbit just went from one abusive relationship to another. And it is abusive. Just emotionally. And Rabbit doesn’t have a personality except that she gets scared super easily and has no backbone.

They have sex every other page. Like...it’s ridiculous. And the writing is really flowery...and descriptive at weird moments? So the sex writing isn’t even good, but there’s so much of it. This book somehow was written for the sex, but it sucks. I’m on page 42 of 391 and I really just can’t take much more of this.

Another thing: Josh says her name in conversation with her way too often. Like...every other sentence he’s saying Rabbit and that is not how people talk.

If Rabbit doesn’t get some backbone...and she doesn’t. Of course not. She just gave up. Even though the only reason she stayed in the relationship before was because she didn’t have anyone to go to. Now she does, so what’s the excuse. It should be super easy to leave this relationship now, because she doesn’t have the love of her husband keeping her here. But instead she just sits and takes it and waits for Joshua to save her. Because heaven forbid she actually sticks up for herself. I hate her character. Truly. She’s weak. She doesn’t even love the man who’s beating her bad she’s still staying.

And then when she gets saved by S
Joshua (because or course she couldn’t help herself) she doesn’t press charges. Which means her husbadcan do this to countless other women.she’s just..so weak I literally cannot with her.

Then Brian comes and confronts Joshua to get his “property” back. I can only suspend my disbelief so far. But anyway the two get in a fight and Josh beats the crap out of him. Rabbit freaks out and is now scared of Josh...again. Even thought we’ve already established like 3 times in this book that he won’t
hurt her.

At this point I’m skipping ahead and reading every three pages. Brian chipped Rabbit, she got pregnant, Josh thinks it’s Brian-because it couldn’t possibly be due to them going at it like animals every five minutes. And also Brian’s charging her with adultery...but watch her still try not to press charges against him for literally drugging and beating her.

There’s a point where they’re discussing baby nicknames: Bunny girl (BG) or Jack Rabbit. I just...I can’t.