A review by witandsin
Somebody Like You by Candis Terry


Chicago prosecutor Kelly Silverthorne has always been called “Sister Serious” by her family, but she doesn’t let it bother her. Then she loses her first case ever and decides to return to her hometown to lick her wounds…and maybe even take a chance to let go of “Sister Serious.” And what better way is there to let go than to take up with Deputy James Harley, the man she had a one-night stand with at her sister’s wedding? Yet while Kelly is willing to take James up on his challenge to try new things, she’s not about to get crazy and do something as risky as losing her heart to the former bad boy. At least, not without a few supernatural pushes from her dearly not-quite-departed mother.

Return to Deer Lick, Montana in Somebody Like You. Like Candis Terry’s previous two Sugar Shack novels, Somebody Like You is an ode to small towns and finding yourself, with romance as the backdrop. Kelly and James are likeable characters and what endeared them to me the most was that each was more than what others saw them to be. They fit together perfectly and made the pages of Somebody Like You sizzle, so it was easy to become invested in their romance. The town of Deer Lick continues to delight with its plethora of goodhearted residents and the Food Network fan in me was particularly thrilled by the scenes at the Silverthorne family bakery, the Sugar Shack.

Somebody Like You is the third Sugar Shack book, but you don’t have to have read Second Chance at the Sugar Shack or Any Given Christmas to enjoy Kelly and James’s story. All the characters from the first two books do play supporting roles, however, which is not surprising since those books featured Kelly’s siblings. Having read Second Chance at the Sugar Shack and Any Given Christmas, I was a bit disappointed in Kelly’s journey. Without providing spoilers, Kelly’s discovery of her “passion” in life didn’t seem organic to her character, which was a bit of a letdown since Ms. Terry did Kate and Dean Silverthorne’s journeys of self-discovery so well in their books. Also slightly disappointing in the context of the series as a whole was the comparatively small role the ghost of Kelly’s mother played in Somebody Like You. That being said, I still enjoyed Somebody Like You, even though Second Chance at the Sugar Shack remains my favorite book in the series. Overall, Somebody Like You is a fun read that fans of lighthearted contemporary romance should enjoy.

Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed.