A review by tracethelight
My Heart Is an Idiot: Essays by Davy Rothbart


This collection was a welcome change from a lot of the essays I've been reading online lately. There's a trend of over-sharing and extreme sentimentality, which is fine. I've written essays in that vein, myself. However there's a lot of it floating around. Rothbart's collection is straight to the point and plain-spoken. And it absolutely did not lack the depth that those other highly emotionally-written essays strive for. I felt like I was speaking with an old friend, someone who I'd spent time forming a deep connection with and who was comfortable opening up on any topic that came to mind. The whole book was bursting with honesty, whether or not it spotlighted him "positively" or "negatively." It was good old, honest and engaging story-telling. I have a list of people I'd like to pass this book to and I think that desire to share someone's writing in that manner speaks volumes about the effect it had on its reader.