A review by shanayahreads
EverMarked by A.J. Eversley


I received a review copy of EverMarked from RM Marketing Services and Novella Distribution for my honest review, and as per usual, this does not change my opinions.
From reading the synopsis, EverMarked sounded very interesting, and although I don’t read as many dystopian books these days, I really liked it! I thought it was a good start to the series, and it kept me on my toes the whole time. Usually, I struggle with learning dystopian wor
ds (no clue why, my brain just struggles HAHA), and I will say it took me a little while to grasp what was happening – I wasn’t quite sure what the DEZ was until pg 37, when the acronym was explained.

We read EverMarked from two POVs, Sienna’s and Jayla’s, and although their narratives have similar voices and general similarities (e.g. relationships, general event timing etc.), there’s still a lot of room for them to grow individually. The side characters were all interesting! Each little trio seemed to mirror each other, but I mostly enjoyed it. I will say though, that I wish we got to know Vic a little better, she didn’t seem as fleshed out as the others, but definitely room to improve throughout the series.

I thought the world was quite interesting, and I still have plenty of questions left to be answered. The plot moved at quite a good pace, and I wasn’t bored at any point throughout! I couldn’t predict what would happen next. Overall, I really enjoyed EverMarked and I’m excited to see what happens in the rest of the series!