A review by wealhtheow
Daughter of France: The life of Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, duchesse de Montpensier 1627-1693 by Vita Sackville-West


The life of Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, Duchesse de Montpensier, commonly known as La Grande Mademoiselle. She was a tall, plain, obstinate woman, well known for her pride, fiery temper and loyalty. The niece of Louis XIII and the daughter of an heiress, she was the richest woman in France. As a young woman she rebelled against King Louis XIV's adviser, Mazarin, even going so far as to lead armies and win Paris. Later, she fell in love with the comte de Lauzun, whom she was forbidden to marry as he was of noble, but not royal, blood. After he was thrown in prison for mocking the king's mistress, Mme de Montespan, Mademoiselle spent years and a huge fortune to get him released. At last he was freed, but they were never permitted to marry. Mademoiselle died of a bladder disease at age 66. At her funeral, an urn of her entrails exploded from fermentation, spattering the mourners. Lauzun ended by marrying a girl of 14 and died of mouth cancer in his 90s.