A review by saidahgilbert
James Patterson Witch & Wizard Series Collection : Witch & Wizard, The Fire, The Gift by Jill Dembowski, James Patterson


I started this series more than two years. While the plot is engaging, (you can't help wanting to know what's going to happen next), I didn't really like the characters especially the main ones. So I stopped reading it after two novels. Well, I spotted these books in the library and remembered that I'd started the series and it wasn't that bad. Also, I don't really like to leave stories unfinished unless it's truly horrible and/or boring. Since the library had all the books, I borrowed them and I am now working my way through them again.

There are many glaring plot holes in this story. The author seems to be going for a world that is controlled by lids but it only seems to reinforce the idea (at least in my mind) that it's best to leave governing to the adults. It seems that all kids are good for is going on adventures. That may include battling a big EVIL and/or learning about powers that they never knew they had. Whatever message this author had (and it was painfully obvious that there was a message, the protagonists' narration pointed it out many times), the plot didn't do it justice. So I ignored that message and read on to find out when and where the protagonists will get power-ups and defeat the big EVIL.

I will continue to read the rest of the series because I already borrowed them and I do like stories with magic. I just wish that the characters in this story could be more fleshed out.