A review by pamshenanigans
My Name Is Nathan Lucius by Mark Winkler



I got an Advance Uncopyedited Edition of this book because of National Bookstore's online contest for the Manila International Book fair 2018!

That thing we all think that we're significant, that we matter. When in reality, we're forgotten before we're born. When are footprints are so shallow they disappear long before we die. Still we believe that we mean something.... What's important is where we end up. Who we end up."

That particular quote above resonated with me, really. I'm in the stage in life where I feel like I will never amount to something; that I will never be successful; that I will not have a legacy to leave or pass unto other people; that I will never be enough. However, another part of me likes to believe - and remain optimistic - that I need not be known by the whole world; that it is enough that I've touched a few people's lives no matter how minuscule my footprints are in their lives.

My Name is Nathan Lucius plunged into issues like self-awareness and psychological disorders. The blurb didn't help me much with getting a glimpse of what the book is about (although, yes, I know someone may/may not die) which helped with my reading experience. It really wasn't what I was expecting.

To be honest, though, the beginning had some parts whose pace is so slow and had details that I didn't think were vital to the story, resulting to actually boring me at some point. I took it as a metaphor for Nathan Lucius life, how slow it might seem in his head, how monotonous his life is, and how insignificant it could be to other people.

Overall, I liked My Name is Nathan Lucius. It had so much to offer as events and facts started rolling out.