A review by writings_of_a_reader
The Crawling Darkness by J.L. Bryan


Ghost removal specialist Ellie Jordan must face a dangerous, shape-shifting entity that she and Calvin have encountered once before, with tragic results. The spirit has the power to reach into the minds of living and feed on their fears, taking the shape of their worst nightmares, and it has awoken in search of new victims.

Now Ellie must try to succeed where she and her mentor failed before, and try to defeat the twisted and powerful old ghost before it can claim another soul for its collection.

Ok so I went from reading something light and humorous to something dark and creepy. I do this a lot actually, even with TV. I'll go from Hallmark channel to Discovery ID all the time! For this dark and creepy read I decided to go with Ellie Jordan because the reviews promised that this addition of the series was an improvement over the first two books, not that those two books were bad, but I felt like they were lacking some depth and character development.

I'm happy to report that this book was indeed an improvement. There was a bit of character development here, although not loads of it. There was also the addition of a love interest for Ellie, and I liked that a lot. Ellie needs a personal life. I want to know what she does when she isn't hunting ghosts.

As for the ghost in this story, it was a real creepy one. There were certain parts of this that creeped me out while I was reading in bed at night, and I didn't see the twist coming which was great. I would say this is the creepiest book of the series so far. I liked this one enough to keep reading the series. Hopefully we keep getting more character development.

Review also posted at Writings of a Reader