A review by readerinthefog
Zero Sum Game, by S.L. Huang



So I am actually kind of torn on my rating, part of me really wants to give this 5 stars because I absolutely loved Cas Russell. She is sharp and sarcastic, shoots first and asks questions after, and is a literal math genius, making her pretty unstoppable. I would read any book with her as the main character. I loved most of the other characters too. More Rio please! Even Checker was fun. Arthur was a wet blanket, couldn’t stand his ridgidity and morals but that’s fine. You don’t have to love everyone.

But the real reason this can only be a 4.5 for me is because of the plot. The first half was all excitement and action (let me get my popcorn!) but then by the second half it started to drag and had too many up and down moments. Things didn’t need to be as drawn out as they were. And the climatic scene left me a little disappointed.

But I will definitely be reading the next book, I need more Cas in my life!