A review by alexiasophii
The Witch at the Forest's Edge: Thirteen Keys to Modern Traditional Witchcraft by Christine Grace, Cory Thomas Hutcheson


I read this as part of a Book Club I'm organizing, it was our vote for Sept/Oct. It's a very interesting book that shows the tradition of the author and how it works. There are several points that I didn't identify with, mainly the deep animism, in which even a branch of rosemary is a "sentient being", so to speak, but I understand its validity and the reason why their work is like that. I really liked the quote "It is more important to honor the cycles of nature in a way that is authentic to your location and sense of spiritual ancestry than to do what is done by others." and the chapter on festivals and ways to celebrate, because I really like the way the author spoke about the fluidity of celebrations and nature, which must always be adapted to the place where we live. I think it could have had more warnings about specific practices that the author "recommends" or talks about like the consumption of herbs and other hallucinogenic products and the part about doing hedge riding in the middle of the woods alone but oh well... Let's believe in people's common sense