A review by litwithleigh
All Her Little Lies by Becca Day, Becca Day


Thank you Embla Books and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. IYKYK, my reviews are always honest.

HONDA CIVIC RELIABE 3 STARS. THIS IS NOT A BAD BOOK. DO NOT BE DISSUADED BY THIS RATING. If you like Shalini Boland or Samantha Hayes, you will most likely vibe with this one.


Alex's son Daniel is accused of murdering his girlfriend, Hannah. Detective Stefani (not to be confused with Gwen Stefani) is in charge of what seems to be an open and shut case. But nothing is what it seems in this sleepy lil town.


I have NOTHING bad to say about this book; it came and did what it's meant to do. So then why 3 stars? Well, like a Honda Civic, it's solid but it's not an Audi R8. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this to someone for a vacay read or to help them escape a reading slump, but I'm not gonna get on the stand and say this was what Shakespeare could only dream of writing.

I must give the kudos of all kudoses for an author that knows what type of book they want to write and stays the course. I've discussed (more like ranted unprovoked) on here before, but I am willing to put my critical eye aside when I'm presented with an ordinary mom with a normal job who just genuinely loves the crapola outta her kids. I am NOT willing to put my critical eye aside when an author tries to write about a super smart psychologist with the ego of Kanye West ... and the knack for stupid choices as Mr. West.

When an author tries to go for literary masterpiece with poser ass characters and melodramatic writing, you lose me. When an author, like Becca Day did here, goes for enjoyable popcorn read with relatable salt-of-the-earth characters and straightforward writing that matches the straightforward plot, I'm down for it!

Sooo all that to say... this book was going for popcorn thriller/guilty pleasure read and it solidly delivered. No, there's not a lot of depth to the characters, and it is pretty predictable, but it's perfect for a crisp fall afternoon cuddled under a furry throw with a steaming cup of lemon ginger tea. I've read her debut [b:The Girl Beyond the Gate|60058528|The Girl Beyond the Gate|Becca Day|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1641601648l/60058528._SX50_.jpg|94609649] and this is a totally different vibe, but I found this one more enjoyable. The ending was surprisingly NOT OTT and she didn't throw 104904 twists into the last 10% in an attempt to shock the reader—I call these hail mary twists in a last min attempt to leave the reader shooketh and trick them into thinking the book was actually good when it wasn't.


Pros: writing stays the course... doesn't try to be too ambitious, solid popcorn thriller/guilty pleasure read, good pace, quick read, enjoyable lil plot

Cons: nada it just is what it is... Honda Civic Reliable.