A review by ac223
Angel Arias by Marianne de Pierres


Angel Arias for me wasn't as good as the first book. It's been a while since I read that one, and I couldn't remember who was who, and what all was going on. Naif is bonded with Lenoir after he saves her from the night creature Leyeste. He kills his own kind to protect her, and sends her off with the pirate Ruzzalia. She is determined to go back to Grave to find out what the connection is between the elders, and the Ripers.

*** Spoilers / Recap***

Markes goes back with her, b/c he has connections there. Once they arrive back on Grave they are aided by Liam. Liam was supposed to have been expired (I can't remember what they call it) but something didn't work right. Now he looks human, but has tentacles for hands. Liam tells them that Lenoir helped them there to safety in exchange for watching over, and reporting anything happening on Grave. After spying on an elder meeting, they learn that the Elders have made a deal with the ripers. In exchange for their young, they will receive an elixir that promises longevity. Lenoir and Brand have split among the ripers, dividing their people into two factions. As Naif, Liam, Markes, his trothed Emilia, and her brother Jarrod escape with Ruzalia the guards, and hounds surround them. They are able to get on board, but not before the ship is hit with two cannon balls. Someone has betrayed them, otherwise they wouldn't of known about their meeting. Naif believes that it is Emilia, but Jarrod mentions at the end that he thinks it is his friend.