A review by nickym96
Catching Caden by Samantha Christy


This started out better than it ended. I liked Caden and Murphy for awhile. But then, things just got weird between them.

At the start, we meet Caden. He's a major league baseball player and a self professed bachelor. He likes to be social and go out, but he also has a three date rule and a 'double wrap' policy. He's been burned in the past by women liking him only because he's a star and an unplanned pregnancy. He doesn't give women his number or take them to his home. All that changes when he meets Murphy.

Murphy is a small town girl from Iowa who moved to New York with dreams of becoming a model. She's about to get her big break and start working a campaign the next day. But to celebrate, her boyfriend Tony takes her to a baseball game. She's accidentally hit in the face by Caden's homerun ball and is rushed to the hospital. Her face is pretty damaged and she won't be able to model for awhile, if ever. Tony, however, is also sleeping with one of her model roommates and dumps her at the hospital.

Fortunately, Caden shows up with gifts for Murphy, guilty that it was his homerun ball that hit her. When he meets her, he feels the need to take care of her. And thus starts their friendship, which leads to other things even though neither of them are looking for a relationship. And when they finally decide to go for it, ghosts from both their pasts pop up and threaten their new found and still tentative bond.

So on the surface, this was a cute story. But the drama that pops up was SO over blown and was taken SO far out of proportion. Don't get me wrong, what happens is terrible and such a breach of trust that it's hard to even contemplate who could do such a thing. But the hate that developed was so misplaced and it made for such a contrived break up and an even more contrived reunion. Nevertheless, the HEA was cute and appreciated.