A review by nwhyte
Doctor Who: Old Soldiers by James Swallow

Old Soldiers was better than the other Third Doctor audios out there, but this isn't saying much unfortunately. The author can't spell the German name for the setting - it should be "Kriegskind" not "Kreigskind", and anyway neither makes much sense as a German name. I am going to add another note of pedantic snark and point out that neither part of Germany joined the United Nations until 1973, so German soldiers could hardly have been integrated into UNIT before then; yet we are told that the Brigadier has been working with his German colleagues for years, in a story set immediately after Doctor Who and the Silurians. Take that as my contribution to the UNIT Dating Controversy.[return][return]Havng said that, I think it is saved by the way in which Nicholas Courtney explores deeper levels of the Brigadier than we had seen before, and by the music which carries a great atmosphere of menace and doom. Courtney doesn't try too hard to 'do' the Pertwee voice, instead telling the story almost as if it were an official report, which works fine.