A review by goaskalix
City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare


Ugh. Where to start? Can I give this book seven stars? Becuase goodness...

I LOVED it. I was really apprehensive awaiting it's release because City of Glass was (and still is) one of my all-time favourite books and I didn't think anything following up to it would be able to do it justice and at the very least not ruin the entire series.

City of Fallen Angels definitely managed to live up to its predecessors. Wow. NOT as good as City of Glass (but I say this having a special attachment to the Jace-Clary relationship in City of Glass that clouds my judgment on anything else). I just plain adore CoFA though. Holy cow. I think I spent the majority of the last two-thirds of the book alternately venting out loud, gesticulating wildly and pulling on my hair. I'm sure it was dramatic to watch.

This book definitely, DEFINITELY ends on a cliff-hanger as huge in magnitude as the revelation in the first book of the "brother-sister" relationship between Clary and Jace. I am definitely NOT looking forward to a years wait to see what's going to happen to my favourite (yes, you read that right) male literary character ever. When the last sentence ended I think I growled in frustration. I need to know RIGHT NOW DAMMIT.

All that aside, this is a brilliant book. Cassandra Clare definitely didn't let me - at least - down with the latest in the Mortal Instruments series. I can't express enough how much I adore this book. Read it. Everyone.


Reread: May 2014 (it's almost oooover, waaaaah)