A review by missjackieoh
Sorrow's Point by Danielle DeVor


phew...spooky. It's 11:40 pm and I don't want to sleep. Really good book! Review to come soon.

Oh man! Exorcisms, soul suckers, possession, black magic, cannibalism, an ex-priest and a witch. This novel was just so spooky and intense. I was for the most part consistently on the edge of my seat. The story progressed really fast but managed still keep you following along and interested.

The story is of a family who moves into a house that has been the forefront of some really dark black magic. The family is bombarded with strange occurrences and then their six year old daughter (that’s right, SIX!; and the language that comes out of that little girl :-/) changes. After many, many visits with doctors and priests, the family is desperate for help. The father, Will, goes to an old friend for help. Jimmy Holiday, used to be a priest. Along with the help of an old witchy flame, Jimmy will attempt to save the life of the little girl.

I really only have one complaint, it was too short. There were so MANY things Ms. DeVor could have expanded on. The Black family for one; you get little snippets into the 1950s before the Black family tragedy that started this all. It explains things fairly well, but she mentions some things that, I know were merely to show you the evilness of Mr. Black, but it seemed like a very interesting avenue to explore. I don’t know if that makes me sick…I hope not. I just won’t think about it!

The characters were well thought out. Oh well, I guess I have two complaints. Sometimes the interactions between Tabby and Jimmy felt forced, and not really believable. I didn’t really like Tabby’s character so much, I felt she was unnecessarily mean to Jimmy, always being condescending and acting like he was dumb…but hey, he was only saving the day, no biggie! I did enjoy the turnaround of a man of god, being open-minded about witchy things. You don’t see that very often…now if only the witch could have been more open-minded about the godly things.

The idea that Jimmy is of part some secret circle of Maker's, was only mentioned during a short portion at the end. It was more of a teaser as to whats to come in book two I guess. My interest is piqued, but I am also at the same time weary that it is slightly silly. You'll see what I mean when you read it.

The ending. Oh My God, the ending. I won't spoil it, but I will say I both loved it and hated it, but not because it was bad necessarily. I hated it because it was not all what I wanted or was expecting.

Very good story, I will definitely be picking up book two and anything else by this author.

I received this EARC from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review