A review by nakedsushi
Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld


Leviathan, the first book fo the series, was filled mostly of fabricated animals (beasties) and going-ons on the large, beastie airship. Behemoth takes readers off the airship and filled the world full of machines and gadgets. The change of scenery, from a British airship to the Ottoman empire was great, but still felt a little shallow.

I thought that Deryn's secret was finally going to be revealed to Alek and was on the edge of my seat throughout this whole book about it. There were several times the beans were almost spilled, which was very frustrating. I don't think I've ever been in a state of tenseness about a story for a whole book like this. Very stressful.

Behemoth was a good continuation of the characters and overarching story of the series. It was a little disappointing how little more we learned of Deryn and Alek. Deryn is her usual strong, risk-taking self, and Alek is still his princeliness. I was hoping this second book would change their relationship but looks like I'll need to read the third book for that.