A review by areniamar
The Bone Witch by Ivy Asher


Interesting start to the series

I’m definitely enjoying this so far and I really like the whole concept of the bone witch and how it works. While the world building isn’t the greatest, there’s definite thought given to the mechanics of the magic.

Writing, however, could use a little work—mainly with the dialogue. Tad sounds just like a very stereotypical BFF and it’s so tiring and cliche at this point. In fact, all of Lennox’s family is basically a caricature and there’s no depth to them at all.

Rogan also doesn’t sound like a man at times…I don’t really know how to explain it but some of the things he says sounds like it would make more sense for Lennox’s character. Part of it is because he phrases things with Lennox’s type of humor and syntax.

On a related note, the author’s walking a fine line with the humor for me. Lennox is one of those sort of oopsie-daisy-i’m-such-a-klutz-and-also-i-just-can’t-stop-word-vomiting-tee-hee kind of FMCs. She thankfully has moments of seriousness to balance it out for the most part, but like I said, it’s a very fine line between it being funny and being over the top annoying.