A review by kidisitor
The Free by K Webster


This is a taboo story that has some possible triggers for sensitive readers. Read at your own risk, though if you know anything about this author, you should already know that. ;) In fact this is so taboo that it's not allowed on Amazon. This book follows 'The Wild' but it can be read as a stand alone. There are things mentioned in this book that took place in The Wild, so if you are planning to read that book, I suggest you wait to read this one until you finish that one, as there are spoilers mentioned. Both the characters played small'ish roles in that book, so they will be familiar if you've read it. She has been born and raised in the Alaskan wilderness. She have never had any contact with modern civilization and it shows. When brought to a fully functioning cabin, she is in awe of just about everything. The shower, the tv, even things as basic as groceries. She's never seen any of it, and only vaguely heard of some things from her mother. Everything is new to her. Her POV chapters are written in a way that is childlike since so much is an unknown to her. Of course she is merely a teen. He is 40 and fights his attraction to her with all his might, as he knows it is wrong. He has been watching over her for several years after her family passes away. Protecting her from a distance. He has had a normal upbringing, but after an NFL injury, he had decided he is more at home in the isolation of the woods, and has been living out in the wild ever since. There are a few twists along the way as we watch her become more accustomed to her new way of living and watch their relationship evolve (as much as he tries to fight it.) There is some light humor (mostly due to her innocence and behavior in her new setting.) Because of the subject matter, it is a more heavier/darker read. There is sexual content and the 'F' bomb is dropped quite frequently, but due to the theme of the book itself, this should be read by the 18+ crowd anyways. It is easy to read. The story moves smoothly. It alternates between POVs. You'll love these characters and even with the tabooness (and it's not just the age difference) of it, you'll want them to be together.