A review by mamalemma
I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives by Martin Ganda, Caitlin Alifirenka


An absolutely stunning memoir of an unlikely friendship between middle schoolers from an affluent Philadelphia suburb and an impoverished slum in Zimbabwe. The story is told, chapter by chapter, from Caitlin and Martin's points of view. It is one of the most extraordinary books I have ever read -- the only time I put it down was to pick up a tissue (which was frequently). It is billed as a YA book, and I will insist my young adults read it -- it's that important. However, this story is ageless, and told so well that it feels like fiction. There is high drama, and the pacing is on point. If you can read this book, and not feel moved to do something to show kindness to someone, you are cold and dead inside. One of the best books I've ever read. Go get it. NOW.