A review by marydrover
Flames of the Dark Crystal by Cory Godbey, J.M. Lee


My review for Shadows, Song, and Tides are linked. It’s fine, I totally wanted to cry right at the beginning of the month. I’M FINE, I SWEAR. I DEFINITELY DIDN’T CRY MULTIPLE TIMES. I want to just flood this review with fanart of Amri, but the world is a cruel place, and I’m one of, like, ten people in total that have read these books. Altogether, there’s, like, maybe 200 reviews for the entire series, but I digress. This was easily my favorite one in the series so far. It was action-packed, full of absolutely adorable romance (that made me cry a little, don’t @ me), high stakes and soft-talk, and everything in between. The characters are really fleshed out now, and the world of Thra is comfortable to step back into. I’d had some issues with the beginning of this series, but now this feels like coming home.

This fourth installment sees our heroes undertaking the task Aughra set them–lighting the fires of resistances. They must band together the seven Gelfling clans in order to rise up against the Skeksis, and in doing so, return to the song of Thra and each other. This one is narrated by Naia, who was the POV character in Shadows, and it was a delight to be back with her. I’m also hoping the trend continues, which will mean Kylan gets the fifth book.