A review by elementarymydear
Disaster Dates and Lucky Escapes by Tess Smith-Roberts


As anyone who’s ever tried online dating will tell you, it’s a wild wild world out there! And while it works out well for some (not to brag!), it’s not without its weird and wacky moments.


I love the idea of a comic inspired by real life internet dating stories, and I will definitely be following the artist after reading this book! Each little vignette was hilarious, and horribly relatable. I just don’t think the concept worked very well as a longer story. By its nature it is difficult to create a narrative arc about casually dating different people, and this was basically a lot of individual comics followed by one longer one.

There were also a couple of formatting details I would have changed. In particular, there were a few instances when black text was used on a dark background which made it quite difficult to read.

While the individual stories were very funny, I almost would have preferred this book as that. A collection of comic strips would have been great in lieu of a bigger narrative arc. So while this book was plenty entertaining, it wasn’t quite the one for me.

I received a free copy for an honest review.