A review by mjsam
A Town Called Noelle by MK Hardy


ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I read this just before the holidays bit haven’t had a chance to post my review. This is a nice enough Christmas novella. It features Brooke, who is returning to the home town she hates to bury her mother and settle her mother’s estate and Holly who owns a bakery, is a single mother, and is about to be evicted by Brooke. Brooke’s kind of a Scrooge or grinch, not sure which, but she hates the town and Xmas, and unfortunately for her is snowed in and stuck in town over the holidays. After a rocky start she and Holly keep getting thrown together, and get to know each other. This leads to a thaw in Brooke and they spend the holiday together and eventually manage a HEA.

Because it’s a novella, there’s not a lot of substance to this, there’s way too many characters and situations going on, which means that there’s not enough time to get to know the leads or really establish their relationship. Still, it’s an enjoyable enough read. 3.5 stars.