A review by mora55
Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles


The highlight of this book for me was the writing style, which was gorgeous and descriptive. I loved the imagery and the repetition of color and other symbols, which were deftly integrated and given multiple significances (I: love symbolism and themes).

I also loved the characters! Aaros was the best and most loyal assistant and cared so much for Kallia despite his history and how they were strangers at the beginning of the book. He always went out of his way to help her and always seemed to know what she needed, and Kallia appreciates him as he deserves. Kallia was such an interesting and distinctive personality - extroverted and confident and unashamed of herself. She constantly took me by surprise in a good way. It took me a while to care for Daron, but I eventually grew to care about him and his personality as well. I was actually rooting for his and Kallia's romance, which is unusual for me and testament to the writing and the characters.

However, I didn't understand the plot with
Spoilerthe underlying Glorian magic, what the heck is going on with Jack (who is he? what does he know? how does he do what he does? why does he care? why is he even important anymore?), and the dark mirror things.
I'm sure the next installment will bring more clarity (though I doubt I'll remember anything about this book by then lol).

(This was another one I mooched off NetGalley when it was "read now" ages ago, so thanks to the publisher for that!)