A review by talldrinkofdietcoke
The Arrangement 6: The Ferro Family by H.M. Ward


I received an ARC copy for a fair and honest review.

So when I read #4, I was very excited because I felt like Avery was truly starting to open herself up to some real grieving. She was owning her pain, and going through some very natural and healthy emotions. And then in #5, Avery and Sean seem to start to establish something with the potential to be real, though we know it's got all the potential to blow up in their faces, as we quickly find out at the end of #5. (by the way, holy crap the bathroom scene between Avery and Sean was just smoking hot!) At the end of #5, we find Sean walking Mel out of his hotel room and Avery loses it.

This is where we find them in #6, and let me tell you, the emotions in this book are explosive. The love, the jealousy, the hatred, the confusion, the chilling honesty, all in one short section just left me reeling. This book really focused on secrets, at the end of the day. Everyone has one and they all seemed to start spilling. After Avery finds Sean and Mel at the hotel, her breakdown is so emotional, so honest, so painful, I wanted to cry right along with her.

I will say that I am ready for this story to be wrapped up. I want some peace for Avery, Sean, even Mel and Marty. I love this stuff but I am not sure how many more sections I can take. I devoured this one though. I am pretty sure I ate it up in less then an hour. When #7 comes out (yes, there's at least one more) I think I will time myself.